Harry Potter Fan Club For ADHD'ers


Finally, the 6th movie

Well, im sure we were all very disappointed when friggin Twilight showed up and ruined Harry's 6th movie and all it's glory.. but look on the bright side, since it got delayed they have more time to work on it, THUS IT WILL BE EVEN AMAZINGER THAN IT WAS ORIGINALLY GOING TO BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Twilight rushed into things so it sucked......... and it made us wait for our own type of ''drug'' [Harry Potter]. But, our waiting is almost over!

JUNE 15th, 2009 shall be OUR DAY!!!!!!!!!!


sorry, evil moment there....

Thanks again Chrissy for sending me those pics of the movie :]

Sorry, i've been gone. I twisted my ankle yesterday night and so i decided that, while im stuck doing nothing, i might as well update. AND GUESS WHAT I SAW!!!!!!!!

The trailers have been released!!!!!!!! I saw two just now! AHMAYZING!!!!! I love this.

Okay, so from what ive heard, there's supposed to be a midnight premiere on the 14th. Im going of course ;)

I hope to see some of you there. Miss yall